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Results for HowgillsDales (45k) Task id - 846 - Click on the pilot name to see their flight.

  pilot score tp time/
next tp
1 Mike Cavanagh 725 goal 09:03:30 12-09-2021
2 Zbyszek Latka 720 goal 09:57:44 12-09-21
3 Rosie Darwood 718 goal 10:31:02 12-09-21
4 Pete Logan 717 goal 10:52:34 12-09-21
5 Chris Fountain 717 goal 10:47:59 12-09-2021
6 Tim Rogers 717 goal 10:49:18 12-09-21
7 Tim Rogers 545 4 1613m 13-10-22
8 Kevin McLoughlin 511 4 3838m 12-09-21
9 JOHN WESTALL 508 4 4097m 12-09-21
10 John Hamlett 406 4 10847m 12-09-2021
11 Joseph Edmonds 326 3 4380m 12-09-2021
12 Tom Hodgkin 306 3 5716m 02-04-2023
13 Ged McCann 125 2 5639m 12-09-2021
14 ben henson 84 2 8332m 12-09-2021
15 Chris Kay 1 0 1847m 12-09-2021
16 ChrisKay 1 1 4626m 12-09-2021

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