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Results for Blease DBLFAI (40k) Task id - 695 - Click on the pilot name to see their flight.

  pilot score tp time/
next tp
1 Geoff Crossley 818 goal 01:49:55 19-05-18
2 Richard Bungay 811 goal 01:53:44 19-05-18
3 JOHN WESTALL 799 goal 02:00:22 09-04-18
4 David Eva 772 goal 02:19:27 19-05-18
5 Geoff Crossley 507 6 3363m 09-04-18
6 Patrick Holmes 497 6 3969m 14-04-18
7 David Eva 416 5 1235m 09-04-18
8 Richard Bungay 268 4 4373m 14-04-18
9 Harvey 263 4 4695m 01-09-18
10 Gary Stenhouse 263 4 4667m 14-04-18
11 Geoff Crossley 166 3 2951m 09-03-18
12 Geoff Crossley 102 2 1872m 09-04-18

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