Pilot(en) | total | |
Phil Colbert | 514 | 514 |
JOHN WESTALL(D) | 507 | 507 |
Geoff Crossley(C) | 504 | 504 |
Michael Endaco | 315 | 315 |
Richard Meek | 277 | 277 |
Mark Gravestock | 273 | 273 |
Elliott Brown(B) | 267 | 267 |
Simon Baillie(B) | 267 | 267 |
David Evans | 267 | 267 |
Richard Tang | 267 | 267 |
Dave Evans | 267 | 267 |
Simon Blake | 266 | 266 |
Jim Ashley | 263 | 263 |
Richard Crossley | 260 | 260 |
Brian Stewart | 255 | 255 |
Paul Winterbot | 249 | 249 |
Graham Jones | 246 | 246 |
Harvey Foster(B) | 222 | 222 |
Rob McVey | 222 | 222 |
Andy Elliott | 220 | 220 |
Harvey | 201 | 201 |
Jacob Cleverley(B) | 194 | 194 |
Tim Oliver(B) | 176 | 176 |
YANNICK LEGALL | 173 | 173 |
JOHN MURPHY(B) | 169 | 169 |
ElliottBrown(B) | 160 | 160 |
Neil Charles | 146 | 146 |
timoliver | 144 | 144 |
Andrew Young | 107 | 107 |
Joseph Edmonds(B) | 106 | 106 |
Andy Archer | 105 | 105 |
PAUL HESTER | 102 | 102 |
Theo Warden | 36 | 36 |
Barnsey(B) | 1 | 1 |
if you would like to use xcmap to set tasks for your club please email chris@xcmap.net and I'll tell you how to do it, it's easy and free.
XC flying, pilots should be PILOT rated and above. - BHPA Information.